Friday, September 16, 2011

In case you were wondering...

I am alive.  School is is full swing and has been for a month, which is why I've been gone.  This post might seem a little whiny, but the truth is I'm frustrated.  I'm pooped. I am really enjoying my classes and teaching my chemistry labs, but I think I might have just signed on for too much this semester.  See, our day starts out at 0400.  B has PT, and I just get up with him rather than making him sneak around and me trying to stay asleep. Also, I am a morning person.  After about 8pm, my brain is gone. So I HAVE to do all my work in the morning, otherwise it ends up being of poor quality, takes forever, or just doesn't get done. Oh yeah, and the morning classes at the gym are the only ones I can make now, so if I don't make one of those, I'm SOL for the day.

This all sounds great, except for the fact that I have class until 7:45pm Mon-Thurs....meaning I don't actually get home until 8:30-45. Good bye 8 hours of sleep. Oh, side note, I'm one of those people that think a good nights rest can fix just about anything. I treasure my sleep, and I do think it's important to get at least 7 hours a night. Unfortunately, that's not happening - I'm getting somewhere between 5 - 6 hours.  Getting home at 8:30/45, trying to scrounge something to eat because I've been in class straight for the last 6 hours and preparing for the next day/finishing some last minute work puts me in bed about 10:30-11. 

I've heard of many people who say almost proudly that they can get by on 5 hours of sleep a night. Not me. I need more. But it's just starting to seem impossible at this point. But I guess its good that I enjoy my classes, right?

Positive note: it's feeling a bit like Fall outside! I am still super pumped about pumpkins and leaves and apple spiced candles! Another thing that comes with Fall is the ability to take Klaus-man out for play time any time we want without him dying almost instantly! Hooray! 

Anyways, sorry for whining. I think I'm going to go take a nap (like I said - sleep fixes EVERYTHING). Happy Friday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

An explanation...

I was sure that quitting my job and going back to school full time was going to be a seamless transition...what I didn't realize was how busy I was going to be taking 13 hours and teaching two general chemistry labs (btw I'm teaching for the first time EVER). 13 hours is not a lot to most people, but the thing is, I'm a science/math person. I enjoy don't mind writing scientific papers and doing problems and labs. However, 3 of my classes (9 hours worth) are education classes (which is mostly psychology). And as interesting as they are, there is A LOT of reading and writing papers about feelings and self reflections.... So most of my time is spent trying to keep up with the reading/self reflection assignments. I actually get excited when it's time to study for my Organic Chem 2 stuff! Sad, I know. Anyways, so that's an explanation of where I've been. I do have other stuff to post about, but that will have to wait until this weekend.  Hope y'all are having a good week! One week till Ga Tech kickoff!! Woohoo!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Who ya gonna call

Do you ever watch scary tv shows? Growing up, my mom always liked to watch shows like "Top 10 Most Haunted Places in America" or "Unsolved Mysteries" and of course "X-files". I still sometimes watch some scary shows, namely "A Haunting" on the Discovery Channel. Let me just say one word: terrifying!! Ok, maybe not so much for most people, but I definitely have an overactive imagination. I have to watch it with lights on and when B is home. Ghosts freak me out. If you like ghost stories and want a creepy sort of thrill, you should watch an episode. 

On to something more light-hearted.... B shared some funny icanhascheezburger pictures with me....good chemistry humor! I'm sharing them with you because they make me giggle.

Also, notice something new on the right? Yup. I joined Twitter... To be honest I feel like a grandma learning to use a computer for the first time. All these tricks of how to tweet "like the cool people" will take some getting used to! But I'm gonna try to be a good tweeter.  Hope you have a happy Tuesday! Oh yeah, btw, 1 1/2 weeks left of my 45 minute commute straight through downtown Atlanta! Who's excited??? THIS girl!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Updates galore!

My apologies for blog-failing! It's been quite a busy week! I'm putting in my two week notice tomorrow at my job so that I can go back to school full time! I got a scholarship and was notified on Thursday that I am being offered a "GRA" (Graduate Research Assistant) position, although I won't be doing research...I'll be teaching General Chemistry labs!! I'm pumped! I really hope I'm a good TA. I had some TA's that I respected so much because they were so helpful. I can only hope to be half as helpful as they were! If I can make one student understand and appreciate chemistry, I'll be a happy camper! 

Speaking of camping, we did some this weekend! Just a quick one-night backpacking trip, but it was fun! Also, I got bit by the "camping bug" so I've talked my mom into planning a family campout over Labor Day weekend! Sooo excited!
 Other things we've been up to include....going to the Brave's game last weekend! That was my first Brave's game I've gone to since I was 7....I guess I'm not a very good native Atlantan...
 I think we've decided to run another half-marathon (my fourth, B's first). So, to try to improve my running form and to help out with my CrossFit workouts, I invested in some New Balance Minimums! They're basically like running barefoot, just with a little protection from the elements/trail/road/etc.  I am not sure if I will be using these for the half marathon, though, because I have a lot of training to do to get my muscles up to speed with the way these make you run. Normal running shoes allow you to land on your heel, these make you land on the ball of your it's basically like doing calf raises with every step!
 And as usual, it's nearing the change of season, so I'm freakishly excited and readying myself for Fall! Football, pumpkins, Oktoberfest beers, brats, and beautiful fall sunshine....bring it on!!!  (in case you can't read those candle labels, they say "Pumpkin Buttercream" and "Cranberry Chutney" mmmmmm!)
 and yes, Buzz is missing his antennae...Klaus decided he didn't need them anymore.

Hope y'all are doing well!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

New title?

I've decided that I no longer like my blog title...Call me immature, but everytime I read the word 'blow', my brain relates it to things that simply are not relevant to my blog... Suggestions for a new title? This could take a while - I'm not very creative... Input appreciated! Thanks!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Here fishy fishy...

Alright, it's official: I'm a bad blogger. But to be honest, I've been kinda busy...even at work! I finished up my summer semester, a whopping 1 hour lab...yay. At work, we've had to go down to Columbus, GA twice in the past few days to fix a wind sensor. Our site is at the Columbus Crime Lab, and in case you didn't know, I have a fear of dead bodies.... So when the morgue mobile is there, it basically freaks me out. I'm back to doing laundry and dishes for two, which is much more time consuming. So all in all, I've been a busy lady! But I like it like that!

This past weekend B and I decided to try out our fishing skills...and when I say try, I mean try. I wasn't really raised by the fishing-type, so I only really fished at girlscout/boyscout camps.  B knows more about fishing than me, but still, he's not a pro. So we went to Walmart and got some cheapo fishing rods and some worms and went to my dad's house boat on Lake Lanier and fished. Our fishing goals were as follows: Goal #1 Catch a fish, Goal #2 Hope that it's not a carp. In the end I think we would have accepted a carp...we didn't do too well. But we did catch two bluegill! We even got up super early to try to get them at feeding time...

Here is the beautiful sunrise at Lake Lanier
Here I am with one of our victims.....muahahah!
 And this was sort of after the fact, but here is the line of houseboats where my dad's is. If you look closely enough, you'll see that almost every house boat has one or two American flags flying - which is just an awesome sight to see!

I actually kind of hope we try fishing again this weekend. I got some tips from my boss (who, btw, grew up with Alan Jackson!) that I think would help a little bit! It was fun anyways, with or without the fish! And I definitely need to work on my casting skills..... For now, please give me a 20ft radius.

Hope your week is going well! Happy hump day, y'all!