Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Brew at the Zoo

 B and I attended Brew at the Zoo with some friends this past weekend at Zoo Atlanta. I'll tell you I was definitely more excited about the zoo part than the brew, and while the brew was lots of fun, the zoo was the highlight!  The idea was that you can walk around the zoo and try different beers (and wines) while you look at the animals, but in the beginning we really had to choose whether to make the beer or the animals the priority because "last call" was a lot earlier than we had expected.  In the end, we chose the animals.....for a while anyways (i.e. until we found the "beer tent" near the pandas!). I'd call it a success - we saw everything we really wanted to see except for the lion. Poor Simba. Here are some pictures...sorry for the poor quality - they're only cell phone pictures. Perhaps one day I'll get a camera!

Gorillas of all ages!

The zebras had a 3 point guard formation going on. I love their stripes!

SO.FREAKING.CUTE.  that is all.
I've decided to try out a blog, mainly for my benefit. Recently, I lost ALL the pictures on my phone, which included Klaus' (to be introduced later) puppy pictures, a simply awesome birthday cake, an inch of snow that had fallen after about 30 minutes (incredible for Georgia standards!) among other noteworthy moments that have happened since my phone's existence. I'm already a terrible picture taker anyways, so losing the few I had was pretty sad... So back to the point of the blog - I'm hoping to use it as a diary complete with photos that will be stored somewhere other than my cellular device. I never kept a diary of any sort growing up, so this could get interesting. But I really enjoy reading other people's blogs, so perhaps someone will enjoy reading mine...never can tell!

Next - I'm going to explain the blog name... "Whatever blows your skirt up" is a saying that my dad says often. It goes like this - Me: "Dad, should I do blah blah blah this and that?" Dad: "Whatever blows your skirt up." This may be a common phrase heard elsewhere, or maybe not. But I've decided to take Dad's advice and do whatever blows my skirt up, which right now includes starting a blog.

And finally - I guess I will introduce myself and my "family". My name is Katy and I'm in my 20's, part time soon to be full time master's student, currently working full time. I live with my boyfriend of 5 years...we're just gonna call him B for now because I'm not sure yet how much he wants to be talked about. B is also in his 20's, a full time master's student and in Army ROTC. We have two fuzzy children - Klaus, the German Shepherd. Klaus is 1 year and 4.5 months old. And Molly, the cat. We think she's about 4 now.

I guess since I enjoy seeing pictures of other bloggers, I'll put one up of us humans, although we are not nearly as cute as those animals!

Ok - So, I'm going to call this first blog post a success and found it surprisingly entertaining! Hopefully I'll make a habit of it (and a habit of taking more pictures) to better document our life! Until next time -
