Friday, September 16, 2011

In case you were wondering...

I am alive.  School is is full swing and has been for a month, which is why I've been gone.  This post might seem a little whiny, but the truth is I'm frustrated.  I'm pooped. I am really enjoying my classes and teaching my chemistry labs, but I think I might have just signed on for too much this semester.  See, our day starts out at 0400.  B has PT, and I just get up with him rather than making him sneak around and me trying to stay asleep. Also, I am a morning person.  After about 8pm, my brain is gone. So I HAVE to do all my work in the morning, otherwise it ends up being of poor quality, takes forever, or just doesn't get done. Oh yeah, and the morning classes at the gym are the only ones I can make now, so if I don't make one of those, I'm SOL for the day.

This all sounds great, except for the fact that I have class until 7:45pm Mon-Thurs....meaning I don't actually get home until 8:30-45. Good bye 8 hours of sleep. Oh, side note, I'm one of those people that think a good nights rest can fix just about anything. I treasure my sleep, and I do think it's important to get at least 7 hours a night. Unfortunately, that's not happening - I'm getting somewhere between 5 - 6 hours.  Getting home at 8:30/45, trying to scrounge something to eat because I've been in class straight for the last 6 hours and preparing for the next day/finishing some last minute work puts me in bed about 10:30-11. 

I've heard of many people who say almost proudly that they can get by on 5 hours of sleep a night. Not me. I need more. But it's just starting to seem impossible at this point. But I guess its good that I enjoy my classes, right?

Positive note: it's feeling a bit like Fall outside! I am still super pumped about pumpkins and leaves and apple spiced candles! Another thing that comes with Fall is the ability to take Klaus-man out for play time any time we want without him dying almost instantly! Hooray! 

Anyways, sorry for whining. I think I'm going to go take a nap (like I said - sleep fixes EVERYTHING). Happy Friday!