Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Here fishy fishy...

Alright, it's official: I'm a bad blogger. But to be honest, I've been kinda busy...even at work! I finished up my summer semester, a whopping 1 hour lab...yay. At work, we've had to go down to Columbus, GA twice in the past few days to fix a wind sensor. Our site is at the Columbus Crime Lab, and in case you didn't know, I have a fear of dead bodies.... So when the morgue mobile is there, it basically freaks me out. I'm back to doing laundry and dishes for two, which is much more time consuming. So all in all, I've been a busy lady! But I like it like that!

This past weekend B and I decided to try out our fishing skills...and when I say try, I mean try. I wasn't really raised by the fishing-type, so I only really fished at girlscout/boyscout camps.  B knows more about fishing than me, but still, he's not a pro. So we went to Walmart and got some cheapo fishing rods and some worms and went to my dad's house boat on Lake Lanier and fished. Our fishing goals were as follows: Goal #1 Catch a fish, Goal #2 Hope that it's not a carp. In the end I think we would have accepted a carp...we didn't do too well. But we did catch two bluegill! We even got up super early to try to get them at feeding time...

Here is the beautiful sunrise at Lake Lanier
Here I am with one of our victims.....muahahah!
 And this was sort of after the fact, but here is the line of houseboats where my dad's is. If you look closely enough, you'll see that almost every house boat has one or two American flags flying - which is just an awesome sight to see!

I actually kind of hope we try fishing again this weekend. I got some tips from my boss (who, btw, grew up with Alan Jackson!) that I think would help a little bit! It was fun anyways, with or without the fish! And I definitely need to work on my casting skills..... For now, please give me a 20ft radius.

Hope your week is going well! Happy hump day, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. "hope that it's not a carp"-- haha, that made me giggle. Happy hump day to you, too!
